Macromolecules , monomers and Marcromolecule linkages =D

examples of monomers

1.          What is a macromolecule?  A macromolecule is a large molcule that refers to the structures involed with  cells and organisms.  The four diferent types are proteins , lipids, carbohydrates and necleic acids and it usaually has more than one function.

2.          What is a monomer?   It is any of the small molecular structurs that may be chemically bounded together to form long mult-part polymer molecules.

3.          What is a polymer?  It is a large molecule made up of similar or identical subunits called monomers.

4.          List the four main types of macromolecules.  The four main  types of macromolecules are lipids,carbohydrates , proteins and necliec acids.

In the learning materials box click the link for the activity “making and breaking polymers.”  Use this activity to help answer the following questions:

5.          What are the types of reactions that macromolecules are shown to undergo?

The two types of reactions that macromolecules undergo is condensation and hydrolysis reactions.

6.          Describe how monomers are joined together.

The way in which these individual components are linked together, however, is the same for many different kinds of compounds. Consider some generic monomers with OH groups on their ends. These monomers can be linked together by a process called dehydration synthesis (also called a condensation reaction) in which a covalent bond is formed between the two monomers while a water molecule is also formed from the OH group

7.          Describe how polymers are broken down.

Polymers of all sorts can be broken apart by hydrolysis reactions. In hydrolysis the addition of a water molecule (with the help of a hydrolase enzyme) breaks the covalent bond holding the monomers together.

8.          What is the specific name for the bond between simple sugar monomers?   The speific name for the bond between simple sugar is called glycosidic linkages.

9.          Which kind of enzyme joins monomers together?

The enzyme that jions monomers together is This reaction is catalyzed by a polymerase enzyme

Back on the previous macromolecules page, scroll down to the section on carbohydrates. In the learning materials box for carbohydrates click the link to the “build a carbohydrate” activity.

10.      Describe how you had to arrange the sugar monomers in order to build a polysaccharide.   I had to arrange the sugar monomers where that h and is at the top and o is in the middle.

11.      Which building blocks of macromolecules are not used in building carbohydrates? The building blocks that are not used  in building a carbohydrate  are  The Nucleotide and the amino acid and the fatty acid are not used in the building blcoks.

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